Raby Estates is a family owned business that has been operating in Co Durham and Shropshire over many centuries. At Raby, we respect our heritage and recognise the achievements of those who have gone before us. Our Estate strategy seeks to build on that past by developing a vibrant business that will sustain Raby for the benefit of future generations. Our five year rolling business plan sets down strategic objectives to support this overarching goal. Those strategic objectives include:
- Retention and enhancement of the core Estate together with its built and natural environment
- Continuity of ownership
- Conservation and understanding of Raby and its rich history
- Diversification and investment in current business operations
- Strengthening links with local communities in Co Durham and Shropshire
As a family business our values reflect those of Lord and Lady Barnard. They have made it clear that Raby will be known for:-
- Stewardship of our heritage
- High quality
- Respect and trust for our people and our customers
- Leadership and direction
- Outward looking
- Decision making for the longer term