Preliminary consultations with both the Gainford and Staindrop communities took place earlier this year. Schemes have therefore been worked up to take account of feedback received to date. We would therefore welcome the further input of the local community to help shape our final proposals
Public consultation events will therefore be held as follows:
Representatives of Raby Estates, Lichfields Planning Consultants and Ben Pentreath Architects will be present at the consultation events to discuss the proposals and answer any questions you may have. As part of any planning submission a full suite of technical reports are being prepared which consider a range of matters including highways, hydrology & flood risk, ecology and landscape, amongst others.
Raby Estates would welcome your comments on the draft development proposals.
There are four ways in which you can make your views known.
1. Complete and submit the electronic Feedback Form available below
2. Write to our Planning Consultants: Lichfields, The St Nicholas Building, St Nicholas Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1RF
3. Send an email to: leaving your name and address along with your comments
4. Attend the public consultation event at either Staindrop or Gainford on the above dates and fill in one of the comments forms.
Please Note: This community involvement exercise has been commissioned by Raby Estates to involve the public in the planning application process prior to any planning application being submitted. It will not replace the normal consultation exercise undertaken by Durham County Council when dealing with any formal planning application.